Songs of the week

1. "Velvet Blue" by Ray Lozano from her album Pairing Mode.
Runtime: 1 Minute
Rating: 8/10
Never heard of Ray Lozano until earlier this week, but from this one song, I will be visiting some of her other work. If you are a fan of Cleo Sol then Ray Lozano may need to be added to your playlist!

2. "Love Party by Marvin Gaye from his album In Our Lifetime
Runtime: 5 minutes
Rating: 10/10
As a Marvin Gaye fan, I thought I discovered all the jams but I need to look again. You need to add it to your groove playlist and dance!

3. "You Send Me" by Roy Ayers from his albumYou Send Me
Runtime: 8 Minutes
Rating: 9.5/10
Worth. Every. Minute. Roy Ayers delivers a beautiful song alongside Carla Vaughn. Reminds me of a nice Saturday evening and would make for a great love song to play for your significant other, especially with Valentine's Day coming up.
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